The Benefits of Anti-Inflammatory Foods on Type II Diabetes

If you have been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, then you know the toll that it takes on your body. The disease affects eyesight, organs like kidney, heart and lungs and damages nerve endings, which leads to increased stress levels and increased pain. When nerve endings are damaged, the ability to send signals throughout the body are decreased. The body is unable to feel pain and thus may not realize the severity of the pain on the body. This increased pain due to inflammation, can be relieved by regularly eating well, may be the anti-inflammatory diet but the importance of controlling blood sugar cannot be denied.

Physical Therapy

While there are many Type II Diabetic people who are monitoring their health through exercise and medication via pills or insulin, there are studies which show that eating healthy foods that help to increase serotonin levels can lead to decreased stress levels and more pain free days.

Complex carbohydrates are one great source of foods that will increase your serotonin level and should be your preference over simple carbohydrates all the time. The increased serotonin helps to calm the brain, while ultimately decreasing the stress levels on the entire body. Decreased stress levels means decreased inflammation and less pain. Changing your diet to include the ‘calming foods’, will offer long term effects on the body and the way you feel.

For many years, those diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, who have damaged nerve endings, understand chronic pain. Those suffering with chronic pain often need daily high dosages of pain medications, in order to help them get some type of comfort in their life. By creating a daily regimen where anti-inflammatory foods are consumed, can support the body heal. This allows stress and pain levels to become stabilized and decrease.

Patients that have been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes are increasingly learning of the benefits of foods that increase serotonin levels, while decreasing cortisol and adrenaline levels. They are also learning how increased pain levels can lead to less sleep and increased heart rate, blood pressure and cholesterol. This leads to irritability and other mood disorders and fuel a vicious cycle.

When it comes to maintaining normal glucose levels, Type II Diabetic patients are viewing diet and exercise as being more important than medications. Because of the chronic pain, people with diabetes are looking for more natural ways and support the body heal.

iACHE is a platform solution for the coordination of care in pain management and addiction disorders. These two conditions require long term and coordinated care that currently does not exist.


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