Fibromyalgia is a Condition of Cerebral Dysfunction

In the first part of fibromyalgia we examine the evolution of the disease of understanding that thought it was an affective or psychiatric disorder to various forms of muscular disease to a peripheral nerve disorder and then large Circle to brain dysfunction. Although the diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia have been available for two decades, there is a definitive diagnostic test or a consensus as to its etiology.

In the second part, we will examine some evidence to suggest that fibromyalgia is a condition of cerebral dysfunction. Ultimately, the second part aims to identify and characterize the abnormal functioning of the various regions of the brain that have been reported in the recent literature on neuroscience and suggest possible natural approaches to correct these dysfunctions. This represents a major advance in the treatment of fibromyalgia, it is an attempt to identify the specific dysfunction first and then restore the normal functioning of the brain. The treatment of Fibromyalgia focuses on treating symptoms and not restoring function.

The main characteristic of fibromyalgia is the perception of generalized chronic pain in the absence of an identifiable cause. Depression and / or anxiety, sleep disorders and emotional problems also often found in patients suffering from fibromyalgia. Therefore, it seems to be a series of additional abnormalities beyond the abnormal perception of pain in patients suffering from fibromyalgia. This suggests participation in a number of regions of the brain.

Among the associated findings or secondary commonly observed in patients with chronic pain, in general and fibromyalgia patients, in particular, are signs of dysfunction cogitative, memory problems and a higher brain process called executive functions (ability to understand, sequence And perform complex tasks).

Patients with fibromyalgia often have signs of cognitive impairment that can sometimes be demonstrated by clinical trials. A simple head test, known as the clock test has often proved abnormal in patients with fibromyalgia. This test asks the patient first, draws a picture of a clock and then is asked to draw the hands on the clock to illustrate a specific moment. This task evaluates a number of functions of the upper cortical brain region. Different degrees of inability to accurately draw the face of a clock and store the clock hands at a specific time are used to evaluate the different lobes of the brain, including the frontal lobes. This simple test when administered to patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia suggests an impaired brain function of the forehead regions and other regions of the brain are not normally associated with pain management. So, patients with fibromyalgia seem to have changes in the functioning of the brain that goes far beyond the treatment of pain. A much more sophisticated brain function in fibromyalgia research supports this theory. Let us review some recent studies on the functioning of the brain and fibromyalgia.


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